Nobody Knows (Except for You)

This week it has become clear to me nobody has all the answers when it comes to other people, and if they proclaim they do, they're selling something. I know that's a bit jaded but honestly, I can't tell you how many times I've been lured in by someone declaring, "If you follow my guidance you'll be a millionaire/attract the love of your life/be a best-selling author, etc." I get reeled in because I want those things and I so badly want to believe there is a formula out there I can follow so all of my desires will manifest.

Sadly (or maybe not so sadly), none of the teleseminars/webcasts/books, etc. ever work. Ever. I read a book that guaranteed if you followed all of the author's guidance you'd meet "the one" within about two months. I read that baby nearly two years ago and I'm still single. When I start to compare myself to others, asking, "Why did it work for them and not for me?" I get into trouble.

When I hear "Nobody knows" I think of Zazu singing his ditty in "The Lion King."

The truth is nobody knows what will work for me better than I do. They just don't.

I'm so fired up by this topic because it's a part of my life's mission to remind people we all have an inner guidance system. Deep down, we all know what we need and want, maybe we just haven't been listening, or all the other voices are so loud they're drowning out our inner knowingness. I am so fired up by this because my whole life is about self-realization and service to humanity. How on earth am I supposed to be self-realized if I believe somebody else has all the answers?

That's not to say other people don't have great advice — sometimes they do — but it's crucial for me to add in a step, to pause and ask myself, "How do I resonate with this? Does it ring true for me?" There's the kicker: Everything in creation is unique and what works for someone else may not work for me. It's such a simple concept but it's a powerful one. Indeed, it follows on the tails of last week's post about feeling empowered. I can't be empowered if I keep giving my power away. I own my power by acknowledging I am my own authority when it comes to me. That despite someone else's qualifications, I still know myself better than anyone else does. Besides the fact, I'll probably save myself a lot of money because I won't try everything that crosses my path. . .

I dream of a world where we all pay attention to our own inner guidance system. A world where we understand we know what's best for us. A world where we pause, listen, and discern if what is presented before us has resonance. A world where we understand we already have all the answers we seek, sometimes we just have to wait for them to appear.

Another world is not only possible, it's probable. 


  1. Erika on June 3, 2013 at 12:07 pm

    This is a very thought-provoking topic, Rebekah! Thanks for sharing. 

    You know, I kind of had the sort of… opposite dilemma with this… I thought, "Why should I share anything if it can't apply to everyone?" Meaning… I've known for a while that… whatever message I want to deliver/am meant to deliver is maybe not for the "masses" or whatever… and feeling like that made it… less valuable. But I think your post sort of gets to the heart of: certain things work for certain people, but all things don't work for all people. And what are guarantees, anyway? Can anyone guarantee anything?

    I think that's why so much work is being done with "niches" and finding the right target audience. Because if the work resonates, then the results will be great… but I also think that if people look to change their outside circumstances out of desperation, they'll find even less satisfaction. I've found that a lot of life is acceptance and then flowing from that point. Getting something in the external world is all about what's coming up internally… why am I still single? Is it because I feel it's something I need? (This is not a question for me anymore as I am not, but it's funny that love only came into my life once I was willing to let go of it.) 

    I could go on and on, but I'll stop here. But I definitely think that we have more power than we think and I also think we should realize that at the end of the day, no one else can do OUR work. They may be able to guide us, help us, and support us, but we still have to do the heavy lifting and the realizations and the changing. And I think that's another thing that's hard for people to accept (myself included).

    • Rebekah on June 9, 2013 at 10:36 pm

      Thank you!

      I absolutely agree about the niches — I realized some people will be able to hear my message and others won't and that's why multiple teachers are necessary! Not everybody is vibing on the same wavelength.

      And I totally agree — we still have to do the work ourselves when it comes to growth and such.

  2. Matthew Johnny on June 8, 2013 at 10:22 am

    You got it. No one can tell you who you are. Only you can do that.  Know thyself.

    Searching for lost causes, reading "self-help" books that have all the answers, it's all part of your journey.  You're supposed to follow the wrong way, listen to the wrong thing.  It's part of what makes you who you are.  Because after all the shit is said and done, you'll know what you don't want, and what you do want will be much clearer and closer.

    A wise buddhist told me about how each person is constantly going through 10 worlds, ten states of anger, happines, etc, and these levels help us find our truths. There is somewhere we are supposed to be, and we can't go there until it's our time.  You're gonna get where you're supposed to be as soon as you figure out where that is.  Don't worry about being single either, a guy decent enough to date is coming around the bend, but don't bother waiting.  Just kick ass where it needs to be kicked and live.  The purpose of life is to be lived.

    • Rebekah on June 16, 2013 at 10:13 pm

      =) Yes!

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