Love is Here, Too

As I’ve continued to process the devastation in North Carolina from the hurricane, what occurred to me is love is here, too. It’s the people who are helpers, but it’s more than that. Love is all around, holding us in good times and bad. It reminds me of an experience I had in 2017 when I had a vision of sinking to the bottom of the ocean floor and saw my spiritual teacher there with me. It inspired a poem:

I am there too

In the darkness and the mourning,
I am there too

In the somber and the despairing,
I am there too

In the heavy and the hopeless,
I am there too
I am there, with you

In the deepest depths and the lowest lows,
I am there, with you

Not one minute alone
Not one minute by yourself

I’m with you always
I am your truest Self

In my spiritual tradition, we say the Divine Beloved is everywhere and everything. There is no separation. The Divine is love and fear, light and dark. It’s not possible for some things to be God and others not to be because everything, everything is made of God-stuff. I get a reminder that love is everywhere every day. If you follow me on Instagram, you already know that I see hearts or the word love every day even if I don’t necessarily take a picture. For instance, on Friday, a teenager sat in front of me and what was shaved into their hair? A heart of course. I asked permission to take a photo but they either didn’t hear me or ignored me so that is a picture I don’t have.

shadow heart

I had literally hundreds of pictures to choose from but this one seemed the most appropriate. Photo taken by me.

Why do I see hearts every day? Number one because I look for them but number two it’s because I think the Divine Beloved wants to remind me and anyone who knows me that love. is. here. Love is always here. Love is holding us, cradling us, taking care of us in happy times, in sad times, in celebration, and sorrow.

There is nowhere we can go that love is not. That is why hell doesn’t exist in my spiritual tradition. My teacher said, “[S]piritual aspirants should never be unnecessarily worried about heaven and hell. If one does noble deeds or sings spiritual songs in hell, it is the bounden duty of the Lord of hell to be there, too, and thus it automatically ceases to be a hell. You can transform a hell into a heaven.”

We transform any hell into heaven by remembering the existence of love. That’s not to make light of hellish things, nor to encourage spiritual bypassing but once we process our feelings, can we remember a greater truth? Can we remember that love is here too?

I dream of a world where we feel our feelings and also understand the Divine Beloved is with us through thick and thin. A world where we realize love isn’t confined to happy and joyous places but also in the muck. A world where we realize no matter what is happening, love is here, too.

Another world is not only possible, it’s probable.

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