A Balm for Anxiety

Lately I’m oscillating between shock, dismay, dissociation, and fear. And I know I’m not alone. My social media feeds are filled with people talking about how to take care of yourself right now. They say things like, “Take a break from doomscrolling” and “connect with your community.” It’s great advice and I’ve asked myself, “Do I also have something to contribute?” Other than what I already have I mean, namely my post from the other week about how we’re the “magic wands”? The answer is yes.

Something that helps me soothe myself and process my emotions is emotional freedom technique (EFT), also known as tapping. EFT uses meridian points to restore balance to your body’s energy. It’s like acupuncture without the needles and engages the mind because you say things out loud as you tap.


Lavender is also good for anxiety. Photo by Olga Tutunaru on Unsplash

EFT has been used to treat war vets and active military with PTSD. In a 2013 study, researchers found participants receiving EFT coaching sessions significantly reduced their psychological stress – so much so that more than half of the EFT participants no longer fit the criteria for PTSD! A 2022 meta-analysis found EFT had measurable biological effects in the dimensions of gene expression, brain synchrony, hormonal synthesis, and a wide range of biomarkers. In other words, there is a literal, physical difference in the body before and after tapping.

EFT practitioners use tapping for everything – anxiety, depression, trauma, physical pain, procrastination, even something like writer’s block. I find EFT to be very helpful, and if you’d like to try it, here’s a video from Kate Winch specifically on anxiety. Before you start, you should know that she’s going to start with negative statements and then move onto positive ones. If you don’t feel ready to start saying the positive affirmations when Kate does, pause the video and freestyle, expressing all the fear, anxiety, and negativity that’s still alive for you. Or you can rewind the video and repeat after her.

If you tapped along with Kate, I hope you feel better. I know I do. I especially appreciate how at the end she talks about taking inspired action. I know I’m not meant to do everything but I am meant to do something. And until I quell the panicked voices inside, I have no idea what that “something” is. EFT brings me more peace of mind so I can show up in the world as the best version of myself and contribute in a meaningful way. And I think that’s exactly what’s needed right now.

I dream of a world where we let ourselves feel our feelings. A world where we understand it’s OK to express the truth of how we’re feeling. A world where we use tools to regulate our emotions, especially mind-body ones like EFT. A world where we know there are balms for our anxiety.

Another world is not only possible, it’s probable.

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